Adjust the position of the div so that it remains visible as you scroll

Is it possible to position an element within a container that contains a wide table with overflow property so that the element remains visible while scrolling horizontally through the table data?

<div id = "mainContainer" style = "width:300px; overflow-x:auto">
    <div id = "floatingContainer" style = "border: 1px solid #ccc">Stay in the middle</div>
  // additional code removed for brevity

Can this be achieved using CSS alone or is jQuery required? Perhaps utilizing position: fixed relative to the containing div...

Answer №1

Perhaps a different approach?

I encountered difficulties in achieving the desired result without using predetermined height values.

However, someone with more expertise may have a solution that does not require specifying heights for the elements (#mainContainer, #floatingContainer, table).

Answer №2

To ensure your table displays correctly, enclose it in a div element with defined width and height, and apply the CSS property overflow: auto.

<div id="mainContainer" style="width:300px; overflow-x:auto">
<div id="floatingContainer" style="border: 1px solid #ccc">Stay in the middle</div>
<div style"height:100px;overflow: auto">   

If you prefer a scrollbar for the entire container, you can achieve this using jQuery.

var floatingContainer = $('#floatingContainer');
$('#mainContainer').scroll(function(event) {
    floatingContainer.css('margin-left', event.currentTarget.scrollLeft);

Check out this demo on jsFiddle.

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