Adjust the height of the parent element containing the divs nested within the span

I recently created a unique square grid of SVG icons and positioned them directly to the right of some text within a header.

The code for creating this grid looks like this:

<div>HEADER TEXT    

Here is the CSS for the span:

display: inline-block;

Everything seems to be working well, except for one issue - the height of the outer div containing the grid increases by the height of one of the inner divs.

For example, if the icon row div is 20px tall, the parent div grows from 70px to 90px in height.

This stacking behavior seems to be causing the problem.

Even when the height is set explicitly to 70px, the icons still shift down and protrude out of the div container.

Is there a way to prevent this behavior? Or perhaps a more elegant solution to implement the grid of icons without encountering this issue?

I have created a demonstration using Plnkr to showcase this problem...

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, a quick solution is to include font-size: 0; in the style of .share-square-div. This solves the problem because .share-square-div is currently inheriting a font-size: 62px; from .header, and your SVG's are set to display: inline; by default. Consequently, the browser interprets the SVG's as text, causing .share-square-div to expand as though it contains text. However, with a specified height and the addition of font-size: 0;, this overflow issue can be remedied.

A demonstration illustrating this fix has been added below:

var $button = $('#button');
var $shareSquareDiv = $('.share-square-div');
var step = 0;

$button.on('click', cycleExample);

function cycleExample() {
  switch (step) {
    case 0:
      $button.text('hide overflow on .share-square-div');
      $shareSquareDiv.each( function() {
        $(this).css('background-color', 'orange');
        $(this).css('font-size', '');
    case 1:
      $button.text('set height to auto on .share-square-div');
      $shareSquareDiv.each( function() {
        $(this).css('overflow', 'hidden');
    case 2:
      $button.text('reset height to 20px and set font-size to 0');
      $shareSquareDiv.each( function() {
        $(this).css('height', 'auto');
        $(this).css('overflow', '');
    case 3:
      $button.text('success! restart demo');
      $shareSquareDiv.each( function() {
        $(this).css('height', '');
        $(this).css('font-size', '0');
        $(this).css('background-color', '');
      step = -1;
/* Styles go here */
.share-square-span {
display: inline-block;

.share-square-div {
height: 20px;
    /* ===add this=== */
    /* font-size: 0; */
    /* ============== */

.share-icon {
margin-right: 4px;

.header {
font-size: 62px;
font-weight: 300;
text-align: center;

.fixed-height-header {
  height: 71px;
  font-size: 62px;
font-weight: 300;
text-align: center;
<script src=""></script>
<button id="button"></button>
<div class="header" style="background:blue;">First Header</div>

    <div class="header" style="background:yellow;"><span>Second Header</span>
    <span class="share-square-span">

  <div class="share-square-div"><!-- 
  --><svg class="share-icon" enable-background="new 0 0 266.893 266.895" height="16px" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 266.893 266.895" width="16px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
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  <div class="share-square-div"><!--
  --><svg class="share-icon" enable-background="new -16 -16 64 64" height="16px" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="-16 -16 64 64" width="16px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <path d="M47.083,35.427c0,6.438-5.219,11.656-11.656,11.656H-3.427c-6.438,0-11.656-5.219-11.656-11.656V-3.427  c0-6.438,5.219-11.656,11.656-11.656h38.854c6.438,0,11.656,5.219,11.656,11.656V35.427z" fill="#D93725"/>
  <path d="M16.724,20.112c-1.528-1.079-4.444-3.705-4.444-5.251c0-1.809,0.518-2.7,3.239-4.828   c2.789-2.182,4.77-5.755,4.77-9.326c0-4.244-1.896-6.848-5.444-10.254h5.354l3.778-1.703c0,0-12.662,0-16.884,0   c-7.571,0-14.691,5.726-14.691,12.365c0,6.79,5.158,12.265,12.859,12.265c0.535,0,1.056-0.014,1.565-0.048   c-0.501,0.955-0.856,2.03-0.856,3.149c0,1.886,1.016,3.416,2.296,4.666c-0.966,0-1.904,0.027-2.924,0.027   c-9.38,0-16.592,5.968-16.592,12.161c0,6.094,7.91,9.914,17.283,9.914c10.688,0,16.589-6.067,16.589-12.164   C22.624,26.194,21.181,23.272,16.724,20.112z M7.703,11.653c-4.351-0.13-8.482-4.866-9.234-10.574   C-2.279-4.636,0.636-9.007,4.982-8.878c4.35,0.133,8.483,4.715,9.236,10.427C14.969,7.263,12.051,11.783,7.703,11.653z    M5.999,40.549c-6.48,0-11.16-4.098-11.16-9.027c0-4.829,5.804-8.85,12.285-8.778c1.513,0.02,2.922,0.258,4.199,0.676   c3.518,2.446,6.042,3.832,6.759,6.613c0.129,0.567,0.203,1.152,0.203,1.746C18.285,36.699,15.11,40.549,5.999,40.549z" fill="#FFFFFF"/><polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="34.732,12.594 34.732,4.078 31.327,4.078 31.327,12.594 22.812,12.594 22.812,16 31.327,16    31.327,24.515 34.732,24.515 34.732,16 43.25,16 43.25,12.594  "/>
  --><svg class="share-icon" height="16px" style="enable-background:new 0 0 512 512;" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="16px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <path d="M456,506H56c-27.617,0-50-22.393-50-50V56  C6,28.383,28.383,6,56,6h400c27.618,0,50,22.383,50,50v400C506,483.607,483.618,506,456,506z M214.213,259.408  c0-0.762-0.195-1.475-0.224-2.227l98.73-54.814c9.649,8.135,21.953,13.232,35.576,13.232c30.655,0,55.498-24.843,55.498-55.488  c0-30.654-24.843-55.498-55.498-55.498c-30.654,0-55.498,24.844-55.498-...

Answer №2

To change the default display property of divs, you can use either display:inherit or display:inline in your CSS.

    div {display:inline}
    <div>row 1, cell 1</div>
    <div>row 1, cell 2</div>

If you want all divs to have the same width regardless of content:

   div{ display: inline; overflow: hidden; width: 20px, height: 20px }

While using a table might seem like an easier solution, it may not be optimal for all screen resolutions.

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