Adding style using CSS to a dynamically generated table row in Vue.js

Currently, I am working with a table that dynamically generates rows using v-for:

  <tr><th class='name'>Name</th><th>Surname</th></tr>
  <tr v-for='data in datas'><td class='name'>@{{}}</td><td>@{{data.surname}}</td></tr>

I am facing an issue where I need to hide the column with the class 'name' using jQuery. However, when I use


Only the header disappears. This could be happening because the row is generated dynamically. How can I resolve this?

I have tried:

  1. Iterating through each element with the class using the each() function
  2. Applying CSS property .css('display','none') instead of hide()

But these solutions did not work. Interestingly, the alert() within each() triggers as expected, but hide() does not affect the added elements.

Here is more specific data about the table layout:

<table class="striped bordered responsive">
         <tr><th class="stat-table-creatives" colspan="2">Creative info</th><th>Impressions</th><th>Clicks</th><th>CTR</th><th>CPC</th><th>Price per unit</th><th>Sum</th><th class="stat-table-date">Date</th></tr>
         <tr v-for="stat in stats"><td class="stat-table-creatives">@{{ stat.creativeTitle }}</td><td class="stat-table-creatives">@{{ stat.creativeType }}</td><td>@{{ stat.impressions }}</td><td>@{{ stat.clicks }}</td><td>@{{ stat.ctr }}</td><td>@{{ stat.cpc }}</td><td>@{{ stat.client_price }}</td><td>@{{ stat.sum }}</td><td class="stat-table-date">@{{ }}</td></tr>

The following function is triggered on button click:

getJsonForStats: function(filters){
    } else {
    } else {

This function is called from another function, which is invoked on v-on:click event

Answer №1

Vue dynamically created tables are compatible with jQuery. Take a look at this demo on jsfiddle:

If you encounter issues, it could be related to the loading of your application or how filters are implemented.

When accessing table rows, ensure that the DOM is fully updated before querying it. You can utilize Vue's nextTick method ( Within your Vue method, prior to hiding rows as shown in your example by calling the getJsonForStats method, you can do:

this.$nextTick(function() {
   //DOM is updated and ready for action
   this.getJsonForStats(..your filter params...);

Answer №2

It seems like the issue may be due to using the same class for both <th> and <td> elements.

You can try using a different class for the header, such as <th class="name-th">, and then hiding it using $(".name-th").hide(); instead of $(".name").hide();. This change might resolve the problem.


I'm not entirely sure why you're experiencing issues because the following code works perfectly:

<table id="tab" border='1'>
    <tr><th class='name'>Name</th><th>Surname</th></tr>
    <tr><td class='name'>n</td><td>s</td></tr>
<input id="click" type="button" value="Hide" />



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