Achieving nested classes in CSS: a comprehensive guide

I am encountering an issue with my CSS while trying to create a dropdown on hover. The problem seems to be related to nested classes inside a div structure. It appears that the dropdown list is not displaying properly, leading me to believe there might be an error in how I am handling CSS selectors.

Here is the HTML code snippet:

<div id="header">
   <div class="row-2">                      
      <ul class="hover">
         <li><a href="index.php" class="active">Home</a></li>
             <div class="button">
                <ul class="file_menu">
           <a href="trailer.php">Trailera</a>
           <a href="categories.php">Kategorite</a>
        <li class="last">
           <a href="sitemap.html">Sitemap</a>

The corresponding CSS rules are as follows:

#header .row-2  {
(Later part of CSS code omitted for brevity)
.slideshow img

Note: I suspect that the newly added slideshow CSS may be conflicting with the dropdown styling, causing it not to work as expected. Thank you for your attention!

Answer №1

If you want to improve your CSS layout, I would suggest using the child selector (>) instead of just a space. This way, you can specifically target lists within the row-2 class. For instance,

#header .row-2>ul

This will select only <ul> elements that are children of a .row-2 element, which aligns with what you're trying to achieve.

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