Organizing list items into vertical columns

Could you help me with UL/LI syntax and how to create a wrapping list? For example, I would like to display:

1 2 3 4 5 6


1 4
2 5
3 6

Currently, I have a header, content, and footer all set with specified heights. I want the list to wrap when it reaches the footer or the bottom of the content %.

My goal is for the content div to adjust its size dynamically based on screen capacity. If there are 12 items and the screen accommodates 2 columns, it should display as 2 columns with 6 rows; if the screen fits 4 columns, then 4 columns with 3 rows, and so forth.

Answer №1

Initially, this may seem impractical... however, it surprisingly does yield results... though its effectiveness is limited to specific scenarios and involves a plethora of eccentric numbers. Not exactly adaptable. FIDDLE (just a heads up, browser resizing required)




/* implementing a natural box layout model for all elements */
* { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 
    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

ul {
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0; margin: 0;
    width: 4em;
    border: 1px solid orange;
    overflow: hidden; /* alternative to clearing float */

ul li {
    position: relative; /* necessary for negative top distance to function */
    display: inline-block;
    border: 1px solid red;
    width: 2em;
    height: 2em;
    float: left;
    clear: left;

ul li:nth-of-type(n+4) {
    float: right;
    clear: none;
    top: -6em;    

@media (min-width: 30em) {

    ul {
        width: auto;
        float: left;

    ul li {
        float: left;
        clear: none;
        border: 1px solid green;

    ul li:nth-of-type(n+4) {
       float: left;
       top: 0;

} /* =========== end === */

I'm inclined to believe there's likely a graceful jQuery solution for this... Unless your table isn't dynamically filled with varying information - you could opt for aesthetic adjustments like these or resort to absolute positioning - columns might be the more viable choice. Best of luck...

Answer №2

To enhance the layout of your list, consider utilizing CSS columns and applying a basic styling approach as shown below:

ul {
   column-count: 2;
   /* additional styles */

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