Sticky box fails to maintain position as header scrolls

I am looking to create a Sidebar that sticks to the window while scrolling, but stops when it reaches the footer. I have managed to get it partially working, but there is a small issue that I can't seem to solve.

Test it live here:

Everything seems fine until you scroll; the sidebar sticks to the top of the page but remains hidden behind the fixed header. How can I prevent it from being hidden behind the header and position it correctly? Is there a way to add smooth animation to it?

Here is the HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

        <meta charset="utf-8" />

        <title>LOAI Design Studio</title>
        <meta name="description" content="LOAI Design studio"/>
        <meta name="keywords" content="">

        <meta name="viewport" id="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=10.0, initial-scale=1.0" />

       // No changes made in the remaining HTML code...


The CSS:

/*Portoflio Project Page*/
    text-align: left;
    position: relative;

// No changes made in the CSS code...

And Finally The JavaScript bit:

$(function() {
    $.fn.scrollBottom = function() {
        return $(document).height() - this.scrollTop() - this.height();

    var $StickyBox= $('.detailsBox');
    var $window = $(window);

    $window.bind("scroll resize", function() {
        var gap = $window.height() - $StickyBox.height() - 10;
        var visibleFoot = 255 - $window.scrollBottom();
        var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();

        if(scrollTop < "auto" + 10){
                top: (200 - scrollTop) + "px",
                bottom: "auto"
        }else if (visibleFoot > gap) {
                top: "auto",
                bottom: visibleFoot + "px"
        } else {
                top: 0,
                bottom: "auto"

Answer №1

Your if(scrollTop < "auto" + 10) condition will always return false because "auto" + 10 is a string.
Please update your code as follows:

if(scrollTop < 80){
        top: (130 - scrollTop) + "px",
        bottom: "auto"

I have adjusted the values to achieve the desired behavior.

Furthermore, in the final condition, change top: 80 to position it below the header:

else {
        top: 80,
        bottom: "auto"

Edit: improved code

var gap = $window.height() - $StickyBox.height() - 10;
var visibleFoot = 255 - $window.scrollBottom();
var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();

if(scrollTop < 50){
        top: (130 - scrollTop) + "px",
        bottom: "auto"
} else if (visibleFoot > gap - 100) {
        top: "auto",
        bottom: visibleFoot + "px"
} else {
        top: 80,
        bottom: "auto"

Answer №2

While scrolling, the element with the class .detailsBox receives an inline style of

top: 0px; 

which causes it to appear as if it is 'sticking' to the header. It seems that there are frequent changes to the css top value in this code snippet:

if(scrollTop < "auto" + 10){
        top: (200 - scrollTop) + "px",
        bottom: "auto"
} else if (visibleFoot > gap) {
        top: "auto",
        bottom: visibleFoot + "px"
} else {
        top: 0,
        bottom: "auto"

It seems like these adjustments may not be necessary. The element already has a margin-top of 28px and its position is fixed, so it should always be in the correct position without additional modifications.

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