A pair of buttons and text with varying alignment

Here is the code from my popup.htlm file:


   <select style="width: 100%;"
      multiple id="HLSlist">
   <span style="display:inline">
      <button type="button" id="Deletebut">Delete</button>
      <button type="button" id="OpenAllbut">Open All</button>
      <t id='VFlagged'>0</t>
   <input type="checkbox" id="BlurThumbs">
   <t>Blur Thumbnails</t>


body {
    overflow-x: hidden;
    min-width: 200px;

t {
    font-size: 10pt;

I am trying to align the text to the right side, similar to how it appears in the picture above:

Answer №1

To make it work, just apply the float property.

For a demonstration and expected results, check out this jsFiddle example.

#VFlagged {
    float: right;
    padding-right: 10px;

If needed, you can add some padding - like the 10 pixels I included.

In addition, I made a change from using the t tag to a span element.

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