How can an SVG circular progress bar be created using stroke dasharray?

Can anyone help me with adding dashes between the line in this progress bar I'm trying to recreate? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

This is my progress so far:

I have been using the react-move library to animate the clock

    rotation: 1 / 2 + 1 / 8,
    strokeLinecap: "butt",
    trailColor: "#eee",

Answer №1

To create dynamic animations, you can use circles with the stroke-dasharray property along with a mask to control the visual effects.

document.forms.form01.meter.addEventListener('change', e => {
  document.querySelector('#m3 circle')
    .setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', `${parseInt( + 1} 120`);
    .setAttribute('transform', `rotate(${parseInt( * 3})`);
  document.querySelector('#text').innerHTML = `${}%`;
body {
  background-color: #191919;
  display: flex;
<form name="form01">
  <input type="range" name="meter" min="0" max="90" value="15" step="1">
<svg xmlns="" width="200" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
  <filter id="blur1">
    <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation=".2" />
  <filter id="shadow2">
      <feDropShadow dx="0" dy="0" stdDeviation=".6" flood-color="#4ebcc4" />
    <mask id="m1">
      <circle r="40" stroke="white" stroke-width="50"
        fill="none" stroke-dasharray="91 30" pathLength="120" />
    <mask id="m3">
      <circle r="40" stroke="white" stroke-width="30"
        fill="none" stroke-dasharray="15 120" pathLength="120" />
    <mask id="m2">
      <circle r="14" stroke="white" stroke-width="6"
        fill="none" pathLength="120" />
     <circle r="14" transform="scale(.9) translate(2 0)" stroke="black" stroke-width="6"
       fill="none" pathLength="120" />
  <g transform="translate(50 50) rotate(135)"  mask="url(#m1)" filter="url(#blur1)">
    <circle r="46" stroke="#4ebcc4" stroke-width="1.5"
      fill="none" stroke-dasharray=".6 14.4" pathLength="120" />
    <circle r="40" stroke="#005a96" stroke-width="7"
      fill="none" stroke-dasharray="1 1" pathLength="120" />
    <circle r="40" stroke="#235e6b" stroke-width="7" mask="url(#m3)"
      fill="none" stroke-dasharray="1 1" pathLength="120" />
    <circle r="33" stroke="#4ebcc4" stroke-width="2"
      fill="none" pathLength="120" />
    <circle r="30" stroke="#4ebcc4" stroke-width="5"
      fill="none" stroke-dasharray=".5 14.6" pathLength="120" />
    <circle r="14" mask="url(#m2)" stroke="#4ebcc4" stroke-width="6"
     fill="none" pathLength="120" />
  <g transform="translate(50 50)" filter="url(#blur1)">
    <circle r="24" stroke="#4ebcc4" stroke-width="3"
      fill="none" stroke-dasharray=".1 2.9" pathLength="120" />
    <text id="text" font-size="10" font-family="sans-serif"
      fill="#4ebcc4" stroke="none" text-anchor="middle"
      dominant-baseline="middle" filter="url(#shadow2)">15%</text>
    <g id="gauge" transform="rotate(45)">
      <path transform="rotate(-135) translate(0 -15)"
        d="M -2.5 0 A 1 1 0 0 0 2.5 0 L 0 -6 L -2.5 0" fill="#4ebcc4" />

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