Have you ever wondered how the automatic video play on scroll feature works on Tiktok.com and YouTube shorts when using a mobile device?

My goal with React JS is to develop a website similar to Tiktok, where the video below will automatically play with sound as the user scrolls down.

I attempted to set this up using

, but after looking into it further, I found that this method may not work because scrolling isn't considered a "valid user input" for playing videos on mobile devices.

Further research led me to believe that playing and pausing all videos from an initial user input click could be the solution. However, I am still figuring out how to implement this play/pause functionality for all videos from a single input.

My question is, how do websites like tiktok.com and youtube shorts manage to autoplay videos with sound while users are scrolling? What techniques are they using to accomplish this?

Answer №1

There are numerous approaches to accomplish this task.

Personally, I prefer utilizing the Intersection Observer API.

This API enables you to execute a callback function when an element enters the viewport.

According to the documentation, here are some common use cases:

  • Lazy-loading images or content as a user scrolls through a webpage.
  • Implementing endless scrolling websites where content loads continuously as the user scrolls.
  • Monitoring ad visibility for revenue calculations.
  • Determining whether to initiate tasks or animations based on user visibility.

The Intersection Observer API triggers the callback when either of these conditions is met:

  • An element intersects with the viewport or a specified root element.
  • The observer starts watching a target element for the first time.
let options = {
  root: document.querySelector('#scrollArea'),
  rootMargin: '0px',
  threshold: 1.0

let observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);

// Alternatively

var intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
  if (entries[0].intersectionRatio <= 0) return;

  console.log('Loaded new items');


I have developed a small npm package specifically for lazy loading functionality.


This package displays a low-resolution image until the user reaches the specified intersection area, at which point it fetches and displays the high-quality image before removing the observer.

If you are working with React Native, I recommend checking out this library:


You can find the implementation details in the following code snippet:


This library utilizes the onLayout event internally for management.

import { IOScrollView, InView } from 'react-native-intersection-observer'

const Component = () => (
    <InView onChange={(inView: boolean) => console.log('Inview:', inView)}>
      <Text>Plain children are always rendered. Use onChange to monitor state.</Text>

export default Component

Answer №2

Take a look at this informative guide regarding the availability of autoplay:

  • Audio must be muted or set to 0 volume
  • User interaction with the site is required (such as clicking, tapping, or pressing keys)
  • Websites may be whitelisted for autoplay, either automatically based on user media engagement or manually through preferences and UI features
  • Autoplay feature policy can grant support for autoplay in certain contexts

If these conditions are not met, playback will likely be blocked. The specifics of blocking scenarios and whitelisting processes vary between browsers, but the provided guidelines are generally applicable.

To enable the autoplay feature, users may need to adjust their settings. Here's an example feature policy header you can use:

Feature-Policy: autoplay

When embedding content in iframes, ensure autoplay is allowed:

<iframe src="mediaplayer.html"
  allow="autoplay 'src'">

Although some browsers block autoplay with sound due to user annoyance, configurations can be adjusted to enable sound playback.

For comprehensive information on autoplay, refer to the guide. Additionally, check out this tool for permitted autoplay devices and read about autoplay policy changes.

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