Would you like to store modified CSS properties in a cookie?

Currently, I am facing a challenge while working on an ASPX page where CSS is used to define DIV properties. Although these properties can be altered on the page, they do not reflect when attempting to print them. Is there a method to modify CSS properties locally, save them, and then transfer them to a server-side ASP page?

I have considered utilizing a database solution, but it does not seem practical for this situation. Would it be feasible to store the CSS properties in a local cookie, and then reload the page with these stored cookie properties? I vaguely recall that we could directly load variables from cookies into a page, although it has been quite some time...

Answer №1

document.cookie = "myCustomCss=blah";

and if you need to retrieve the cookie value:

var x = document.cookie;

For a comprehensive guide on JavaScript cookies, check out this resource

It's important to exercise caution when dealing with cookies, especially for storing large amounts of data or sensitive information. In those cases, it may be advisable to consider using a database instead.

Answer №2

At the moment, I currently utilize a pop-up window to modify CSS properties in this manner;

<div id="adjDate">
               <a href="#" onclick="SelectName('check-1-date-box')">H</a>
               <br />
               <a href="#" onclick="SelectName('check-1-date-boxV')">V</a>

The CSS code looks like this;

   div#adjDate {
        left: 110px;
        top: 1px;
        color: red;

I am considering using CSS variables as a potential solution, although exploring JavaScript may also be beneficial.

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