Is it possible for CSS to prevent the insertion of spaces?

When filling out a form, I am able to insert spaces in inputs but not in the textarea (which is necessary).

Interestingly, inserting spaces in the textarea works flawlessly.

<form action="/#wpcf7-f519-o1" method="post" class="wpcf7-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" novalidate="novalidate">
<div style="display: none;">
<input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7" value="519">
<input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7_version" value="4.9.1">
<input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7_locale" value="pt_BR">
<input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7_unit_tag" value="wpcf7-f519-o1">
<input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7_container_post" value="0">
<p><label> Name: </label> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap your-name"><input type="text" name="your-name" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-validates-as-required" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"></span> </p>
<p><label> E-mail: </label> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap your-email"><input type="email" name="your-email" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-email wpcf7-validates-as-required wpcf7-validates-as-email" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"></span> </p>
<p><label> Message: </label> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap your-message"><textarea name="your-message" cols="40" rows="10" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-textarea wpcf7-validates-as-required" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"></textarea></span></p>
<p><label>  </label> <span>  </span><input type="submit" value="Send" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-submit"><span class="ajax-loader"></span></p>
<div class="wpcf7-response-output wpcf7-display-none"></div></form>

However, within my own form, I have been unable to do so. I'm utilizing Contact Form 7 on WordPress and attempted switching the textarea without success.

I captured a screenshot displaying the CSS of the textarea as there appears to be no JS associated with any specific textarea that might prevent the insertion of spaces.

Answer №1

It's possible that there are event listeners attached to your form element causing the default behavior to be prevented when the space key is pressed. Something like this:

var textArea = document.querySelector("textarea[name='your-message']");
textArea.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
    // space character
    if (e.keyCode === 32) {

To resolve this, you can try unbinding all listeners from the textarea element.
Using pure javascript:

var textArea = document.querySelector("textarea[name='your-message']");
var clone = textArea.cloneNode();
while (textArea.firstChild) {
textArea.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, textArea);

Alternatively, you can use jQuery:

var textArea = $("textarea[name='your-message']");

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