Floating elements within scrolling loading

I've been trying to figure out how to add a loading scroll feature to my webpage, but I'm running into issues with the div not displaying correctly. Instead of loading underneath the scroll, the content pops up on the side as shown here when scrolling down.

The specific code causing trouble is:

if(y >= contentHeight-30){

        movelist.innerHTML +='<div class ="newData"><center>hey look at me</center></div>';

I am aiming to append new content to the bottom of the scroll before reaching its end. Any advice or insights on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

There are several mistakes in the code that need to be addressed.

First of all, in order to fix the issue, you should include float:left; in your div.NewData. For a live example, refer to this fiddle.

Secondly, when adding comments in CSS, make sure to use /* */ and not <!-- -->. Using <!-- --> is invalid in CSS and will result in the styles not being applied correctly.

Lastly, remember that ids must be unique. If all your <li> elements have the same id, consider using a class instead.

Answer №2

Ensure to include clear: left; and float: left; in the class of the div where it is being added, followed by further styling adjustments to achieve the desired width.

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