Is it possible to animate share buttons using Framer Motion but staggering siblings?

I have a Share Icon that looks like:

I'm looking to display the first 5 icons, with the 5th icon being the share icon. The remaining icons should appear below the share icon and expand to the right when someone taps or hovers over it (either tap or hover as I'm uncertain of the best UX approach in this scenario).


import React from 'react';
import { motion } from 'framer-motion';
import { ShareIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid';

import {
} from '../icons/index';

const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';

export const SocialShare = ({ title, slug }) => {
  const [share, openShare] = React.useState(false);
  const [host, setHost] = React.useState('');

  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const url = `${isProduction ? 'https://' : 'http://'}${host}/${slug}`;
  const text = title + url;
  const via = 'deadcoder0904';
  const sharer = {
    facebook: `${url}`,
    twitter: `${url}&text=${text}&via=${via}`,
    reddit: `${title}&url=${url}`,
    hackernews: `${url}&t=${title}`,
    linkedin: `${url}`,
    pinterest: `${url}&description=${title}`,
    telegram: `${url}&text=${text}`,
    whatsapp: `${title}%0D%0A${url}%0D%0A%0D%0A${text}`,
    pocket: `${url}`

  const variants = {
    hidden: {
      opacity: 0,
      translateX: -16
    visible: {
      opacity: 1,
      translateX: 0

  return (
    <ul className="flex items-center mt-8 space-x-4">
        <a className="" href={sharer.facebook} title="Share on Facebook">
          <Facebook />
        <a className="" href={sharer.twitter} title="Share on Twitter">
          <Twitter />
        <a className="" href={sharer.reddit} title="Share on Reddit">
          <Reddit />
        <a className="" href={sharer.hackernews} title="Share on Hacker News">
          <HackerNews />
      < className="cursor-pointer" whileHover={{}}>
          className="w-6 h-6 text-gray-300"
          onClick={() => {

          type: 'tween',
          ease: 'easeInOut'
        <a className="" href={sharer.linkedin} title="Share on LinkedIn">
          <LinkedIn />
        <a className="" href={sharer.pinterest} title="Share on Pinterest">
          <Pinterest />
        <a className="" href={sharer.telegram} title="Share on Telegram">
          <Telegram />
        <a className="" href={sharer.whatsapp} title="Share on Whatsapp">
          <Whatsapp />
        <a className="" href={sharer.pocket} title="Share on Pocket">
          <Pocket />

The icons are within a flex container which makes using staggerChildren challenging. Although Stagger Children would be ideal for my requirements, Flexbox does not seem to offer a solution for this issue.

Should I consider altering the DOM elements by introducing a wrapper? However, this may disrupt the ul>li structure.

All I aim for is to have all the icons expand to the right when hovering over the share icon, and retract back underneath it upon removing the cursor. Essentially, replicating the functionality seen in

The behavior should exclusively include expanding to the right, with the first four icons always visible.

A complete reproduction can be found on Stackblitz →

Answer №1

Children Animation using Flexbox

Don't let Flexbox hinder your use of the staggerChildren feature.

To implement staggerChildren, include it in the transition property of the parent variants. This means that both the parent element containing the list items and the list items themselves should be motion components to enable animation.

const listVariants = {
  hidden: {
    transition: {
      staggerChildren: 0.1,
      staggerDirection: -1
  visible: {
    transition: {
      staggerChildren: 0.1

const itemVariants = {
  hidden: {
    opacity: 0,
    x: -16
  visible: {
    opacity: 1,
    x: 0

return (
      animate={share ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}
      < variants={itemVariants}>
        <a href={sharer.linkedin} title="Share on LinkedIn">
          <LinkedIn />
      {/* ...etc */}

A demo showcasing what you've described can be found here:

Enhance Animation with AnimatePresence

If you wish to completely remove hidden items from the DOM, consider utilizing AnimatePresence. This involves encapsulating entering and exiting elements within the <AnimatePresence> tag, each requiring unique keys and defined animation variants for initial, animate, and exit.

Staggering animations with
Dynamic Variants along custom props allow for delayed enter and exit animations.


const itemVariants = {
  hidden: i => ({
    opacity: 0,
    x: -16,
    transition: {
      delay: i * 0.1
  visible: i => ({
    opacity: 1,
    x: 0,
    transition: {
      delay: i * 0.1 // custom prop used to stagger delay

return (
  <ul className="flex items-center mt-8 space-x-4">
      {share && (<>
          key="linkedin"    /* don't forget key! */
          custom={1}  /* custom prop used to stagger delay */
          <a href={sharer.linkedin} title="Share on LinkedIn">
            <LinkedIn />

          <a href={sharer.pinterest} title="Share on Pinterest">
            <Pinterest />
        {/* etc... */}

View the implementation with AnimatePresence here:

The resizing issue when removing elements from the container is addressed by setting an explicit width or adjusting flex alignment based on project requirements.

Answer №2

In continuation of @Cadin's response, I have discovered that combining the use of staggerChildren and AnimatePresence can result in a more seamless animation effect when displaying lists.

const staggerVariants = {
  animate: {
    transition: {
      staggerChildren: 0.5,

const itemVariant = {
 hidden: { height: 0 },
 visible: { height: 'auto' }

<motion.div variants={staggerVariants} initial="animate" animate="animate">
    { => (

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