Within jQuery Mobile, text appears obscured by a listview containing a count bubble

After creating a listview with count bubbles and item descriptions, I noticed that the description text is falling behind the count bubble. Is this a glitch in the code or something that can be fixed with CSS?

echo '<li><a value="' . $row['product_id'] . '" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right"><img src="images/' . $row['product_picture_name'] . '.png">' . '<h3>' . $row['product_name'] . '</h3><p style="white-space:normal">' . $row['product_description'] . '</p><span class="ui-li-count">Price: $' . $row['product_price'] . '</span></a></li>';

Hello Adam,

Answer №1

By adjusting the width property of the p tag to 90%, I was able to ensure that the text wraps neatly before reaching the count bubble position. This allows for smooth scaling on various screen sizes.

echo '<li><a value="' . $row['product_id'] . '" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right"><img src="images/' . $row['product_picture_name'] . '.png">' . '<h3>' . $row['product_name'] . '</h3><p style="white-space:normal; **width:90%;**">' . $row['product_description'] . '</p><span class="ui-li-count">Price: $' . $row['product_price'] . '</span></a></li>';

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