How can we begin to create this dynamic animation?

Can someone help me figure out how to create an animation effect similar to the one seen in this link? I have some basic knowledge of css and html5, but I'm not sure where to start. Is this done with css, html5, plugins, or something else?

I am looking to achieve a similar effect as shown in this website:

The specific effect I am interested in is the movement of the foreground images when the mouse hovers over them, while the background remains static.

Answer №1

The phenomenon known as "parallax scrolling" occurs when images are stacked on top of each other and moved at varying speeds, creating a 3D effect.

This technique involves using JavaScript/jQuery to capture mouse events and animate the layers, which can also be achieved with CSS3 animations.

There are numerous jQuery plugins available that facilitate the implementation of parallax scrolling effects quickly and easily.

To explore further, check out parallax.js

For additional plugins, visit:

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