Width of the progress bar

My goal is to dynamically set the width of my progress bar based on a calculated percentage. As a beginner, I admit that my code may not be optimal:


$(document).ready(function() {
var width=(1/5*100);
$('#progress_bar').css('width','=width + "%"');


<div id="progress_bar" style="height:1em; background:red; display:block;"></div>

I would greatly appreciate some help from anyone who has a moment to spare in getting this code to work correctly and pointing out any mistakes for me to learn from.


Answer №1

It is not acceptable to use the string:

'=width + "%"' as a CSS parameter value.</p>

<p>A better approach would be to use:</p>

<pre><code> $('#progress_bar').css('width', width + "%");

Answer №2

Here is the solution to your issue:

let progress = 20;

$('#progress_bar').css('width', progress + "%");

Answer №3

The way you added the variable was incorrect. The correct method is shown below:

$(document).ready(function() {
var width=(1/5*100);
$('#progress_bar').css('width', width + "%");

For a working example, please visit http://example.com

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