Why use @media (max-width:-1) in your code?

While reviewing CSS code created by another department, I noticed an interesting media descriptor:

@media (max-width:-1) {
    ...standard css stuff here

The value of max-width cannot be less than 0, so what could be the purpose of this? Perhaps it was just some leftover CSS that was being tested?

Furthermore, I also found:

@media (min-width:0) {

This media query would always be active since the minimum width can never be lower than 0.

Answer №1

@media (max-width:-1) {
    ...typical css properties can be found in this section

In my opinion, this condition is incorrect and therefore will not be carried out

Answer №2

@media (min-width:0) {

This CSS code instructs the browser to apply styles only if the viewport is 0 pixels wide or wider, meaning it will be applied to all screen sizes.

@media (max-width:-1) {
    ...standard CSS stuff here

If the screen width falls between 0 and -1, it is considered an invalid condition according to @Rahul's explanation.

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