Utilize the full width available to create a flexible div element without any fixed sizes

I have come across similar questions, but none of them quite addressed my specific situation. My dilemma involves a tabbed navigation that can vary in size depending on the number of tabs added to it. Adjacent to the navigation, there is a second area housing a phone number display that I want to expand and fill the remaining space from right to left.

The width of both objects is unknown. My attempts to solve this issue included floating the navigation to the left, but it resulted in the blue background expanding behind the navigation, obscuring the view of background between the tabs. Using tables also proved unsuccessful as they either allocated width only to the blue area or collapsed the table's size to fit both elements without utilizing the full 960px width.

My preference would be to find a CSS solution for this layout challenge, although I am open to exploring JavaScript or jQuery alternatives if necessary.

Answer №1

If your navigation tabs are floated, simply include overflow: hidden; in the styling of the navy blue div (the one intended to occupy the remaining width).

Check out this brief demonstration: demo link here.

Answer №2

Wouldn't using width: 100% solve the problem?

Answer №3

Check out the working code on jsfiddle here

<div class="base">
    <div class="menu">
    <div class="extra">
        Hello represents nothing but a greeting
    <br clear="all"/>


.menu ul li{
    border-radius:8px 8px 0px 0px;


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