Steps to eliminate the 'Edit Translation' text on Transposh

Attempting to eliminate the 'Edit Translation' text provided by Transposh to maintain the existing translations.

Implementing CSS code like so:




However, these styles do not appear to be taking effect. Any suggestions?

While I understand this relates more to WordPress, I am exploring CSS as a solution due to its coding nature, hoping it would suffice.

Furthermore, Overflow seems to have a higher volume of activity compared to WordPress.

Answer №1

Although my response is belated, I encountered the same issue and found a solution. It may benefit others in the future.

To address this problem, navigate to the source files of the plugin and modify the following file: wp-content/plugins/transposh-translation-filter-for-wordpress/wp/transposh_widget.php

In lines 301-306, make adjustments to the code snippet below:

if ($this->transposh->is_editing_permitted()) {
  $ref = transposh_utils::rewrite_url_lang_param($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $this->transposh->home_url, $this->transposh->enable_permalinks_rewrite, ($this->transposh->options->is_default_language($this->transposh->target_language) ? "" : $this->transposh->target_language), !$this->transposh->edit_mode);
  echo '<input type="checkbox" name="' . EDIT_PARAM . '" value="1" ' .
  ($this->transposh->edit_mode ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') .
  ' onclick="document.location.href=\'' . $ref . '\';"/>&nbsp;Edit Translation';

Update the code to include the following:

if ($this->transposh->is_editing_permitted()) {
  $ref = transposh_utils::rewrite_url_lang_param($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $this->transposh->home_url, $this->transposh->enable_permalinks_rewrite, ($this->transposh->options->is_default_language($this->transposh->target_language) ? "" : $this->transposh->target_language), !$this->transposh->edit_mode);
  echo '<input type="checkbox" name="' . EDIT_PARAM . '" value="1" ' .
  ($this->transposh->edit_mode ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') .
  ' onclick="document.location.href=\'' . $ref . '\';"/><p class="edittranslationtext">&nbsp;Edit Translation</p>';

I have simply introduced a paragraph element with the class edittranslationtext. You can now include the following in your Custom CSS:

.edittranslationtext {
  display: none;

Answer №2

I'm the developer of this plugin. Came across this question much later, but since the straightforward solution seems to be missing, I'll clarify it now.

To get rid of the text, simply adjust the editing permissions. The quickest method is to revoke access for anonymous users, so only admins and translators can view this content.

Good luck!

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