HTML and CSS are distinct entities with their own individual purposes and

Can you create custom entities?

For example: &longline; --> -----------------------------

and then incorporate it in HTML code:

    bla bl bla

Answer №1

While technically feasible in XML through the use of the <!ENTITY> declaration, I highly advise against it. Converting your site to non-HTML format may result in compatibility issues with most browsers. Client-side processing using JavaScript is an option, but not recommended for accessibility reasons. Server-side processing can also be done, but typically it's unnecessary unless dealing with user input - in which case entity replacements should occur before database insertion.

In summary, although possible, it's best to avoid this method unless you have a valid reason to pursue it.

Answer №2


In case you are working with a server-side language, you have the option to utilize a string replace function within that specific language (such as PHP, C#, Java, Ruby, etc.), however it cannot be accomplished solely in HTML.

Answer №3

HTML alone cannot accomplish this task, however, a more effective approach would involve implementing server-side scripting. This allows the user to receive clean and structured HTML code, while providing developers with the flexibility to utilize desired methods for generating the HTML.

A potential solution could be utilizing PHP to cache the output and subsequently substitute all instances with the desired new string.

Answer №4

Unfortunately, achieving this specific behavior in pure HTML is not possible.

However, with the use of javascript (or PHP, python, ruby), you can scan all text nodes and make replacements as needed.

In terms of design choice, utilizing a properly styled <hr> element would be more appropriate. By using CSS to apply border: 1px dashed black;, you can achieve a similar look to multiple dashes (-).

Additionally, PHP offers a function called str_repeat('-', 30); which can generate 30 dashes, although this replacement must occur on the server side.

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