The position of the scroll bar remains consistent as you navigate between different websites

Is it possible for me to click on a link within my HTML website and have the other website load with me in the exact same position? For example, if I'm halfway down a webpage and click a link, can I be taken to that same point on the new page? If so, how can this be achieved? Apologies if this is unclear.

I apologize for the confusion earlier. I was referring to controlling both web pages. My mistake.

Answer №1

Without control over the linked site, it is impossible to manipulate its scrollbar.

The browser generates scrollbars based on the code for overflow-x and overflow-y. If you cannot access and modify the code of the linked site, you cannot force a specific position for the scrollbar using JavaScript.

If you are able to edit the code of the linked site, you can pass the ID of the target element through the URL as shown below:

Then, add the following JavaScript code to the linked site to automatically scroll to the specified element:

$(window).load(() => {
    const divID = window.location.hash;

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