Why might a responsive website automatically switch to mobile view?

My website has a responsive grid system that utilizes media queries with breakpoints. However, I am encountering an issue on IE8 where the "mobile version" of the site is being displayed as the default view even when the screen size is set to what should be the standard desktop size (greater than 960px wide).

Does anyone know of a known issue and potential fix for this?

Thank you for your assistance.

---- update ----

This is how my media query is currently configured:

@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {  }

Answer №1

Media queries are not supported in IE8, meaning it may be processing CSS rules that don't apply to full-width screens.

To solve this issue, make sure to use the only keyword after each @media rule ( @media only screen ... ).

You can also consider using a plugin like respond.js by adding it to the <head> section of your pages for added support.

Answer №2

The effectiveness of your code implementation depends on the structure you have set up (and since no code examples were provided, it's difficult to pinpoint the exact issue). However, a potential problem could be that the media query greater than 960 doesn't trigger in IE8 if the mobile layout is defined first. For example:

 body { // Default width for all browsers
   width: 300px; 

 @media only screen and (min-width : 960px) { // Only for desktop support
   body {
     width: 960px;

(It's recommended to have a 'default' css style without a media query for browsers lacking support for them.)

One solution could be setting the 960px wide layout as default:

 body { // Default width for all browsers
   width: 960px; 

 @media only screen and (min-width : 1400px) { // Widescreen monitors
   body {
     width: 1400px;

 @media only screen and (max-width : 300px) { // Mobile layout
   body {
     width: 300px;

Remember to define styles for more than just the body element, but this should provide an outline. If the issue persists, sharing some of your CSS code would help us analyze further.

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