Why isn't the JavaScript if statement working properly when checking the length?

Below is an if statement that I have devised:

var TotalMoney=0;
var Orbs=0;
if (TotalMoney.length==2) {

The intention behind this code snippet is to increase the value of "Orbs" by 1 when the digit length of "TotalMoney" equals 2. However, it's currently not functioning as expected. While troubleshooting, I realized that the issue lies within this code block itself. Although there are HTML and CSS elements tied to it, the problem persists. Any help in rectifying this would be greatly appreciated!

I stumbled upon another query while working with this code:

var totalMoney=0;
var orbs=0;
if (totalMoney.toString().length==2) {

This logic successfully identifies when the number has 2 digits, but now a new challenge arises. Whenever the number increments from 10 onwards (up to 99), it continuously adds an orb for each increment. My goal is for it to only add 1 orb when the number reaches double digits like 10 and then cease adding more orbs. Is there a way to achieve this desired behavior? Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Answer №1

TotalMoney is actually a numeric value, which means it doesn't possess the length property. If you want to determine the length of this number, you should convert it into a string first by using TotalMoney.toString().length.

Answer №2

The length property is not available for the Number object in JavaScript, so when you try to access TotalMoney.length, it will return undefined.

If you want to count the number of digits in TotalMoney, you can use the following code snippet:

if (TotalMoney.toString().length == 2) {

However, if TotalMoney is a negative number, like -1, then Orbs will still be incremented.

There might be a more efficient way to identify all 2-digit numbers, such as:

if (TotalMoney > 9 && TotalMoney < 100) {

Answer №3

TotalCash is a numeric value, to determine its length you can utilize the following code snippet.


Rather than using


You should update your code as demonstrated below:

var TotalCash=0;
var Gems=0;
if (TotalCash.toString().length==2) {

Answer №4

The concept of length applies to arrays and strings specifically, not other types of variables.

If you need to count the number of digits, you can use:


Alternatively, you can convert the variable to a string and then check its length:


Answer №5

Below are some suggestions and general feedback on your code.

// It is recommended to start variable names with lowercase. For example, 'TotalMoney' 
// should be changed to 'totalMoney'.
var totalMoney=0; 

// Similarly, changing 'Orbs' to 'orbs' for consistency.
var orbs=0;

// Until you are more familiar with JavaScript, it's best to use '===' instead of '=='.
// This will help avoid common pitfalls.
if (totalMoney.toString().length === 2) {

Lastly, having a totalMoney value of 0 will not increment orbs by one. But if totalMoney is 10, as you mentioned, then orbs will increase accordingly.

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