The CSS on the IIS 7 server is not functioning properly, unlike when it is on a

Upon debugging my ASP MCV 4 Application on Visual Studio 2012, I have encountered an issue with CSS not displaying properly after deploying it to IIS 7. It seems that some styles are missing in the live environment compared to how they appeared locally. I attempted to edit the render string to match my directory structure but did not achieve the desired outcome as suggested here. Can anyone provide guidance on how to address this problem?


To publish my app, I followed these steps:

  • Clicked on button publish within VS 2012
  • Selected file System as the publish method
  • Browsed the application from IIS manager

After pressing F12, I received error messages stating "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" regarding some images that could not be found.

Additionally, I am utilizing bundles to include CSS files.

Answer №1


BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;

Within the packaging configuration

Answer №2

If you're facing issues with CSS not displaying correctly, try removing the App_Themes Folder in the Request Filtering Feature.

In your IIS7 settings, navigate to the Site for your project and access the "Request Filtering" feature.

Remove the App_Themes Folder from the filtering settings, refresh the page, and check if the issue persists.

Remember, this might not be an IIS problem.

  1. Ensure that the CSS files are correctly deployed on both servers.
  2. Clean out your browser cache to rule out any caching issues.
  3. Try accessing the site in a different browser to see if the problem is browser-specific.

If you're using Internet Explorer, make use of the developer tools (F12) to compare CSS styles between versions.

Another thing to consider is the path to your CSS files.

Make sure you're using the correct path when linking to CSS files - consider using relative paths instead of full URLs.

<link href="file.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />

If permissions are causing issues, check whether your local account has access privileges when browsing locally versus remotely.

Answer №3

After much searching, I have discovered the answer. The key is to include the following line in the BundleConfig:

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;

Answer №4

If an HTTP request for a bundle is being handled by IIS instead of the MVC framework, it may be due to a routing conflict where the virtual path of the bundle matches a real path on the file system.

According to the official ASP.NET documentation (

A helpful practice when creating bundles is to add "bundle" as a prefix in the bundle name to avoid potential routing conflicts.

To resolve this issue, I recommend renaming your bundles to ensure that their names do not overlap with any paths on your website.

You can also refer to these related discussions:

  • Troubleshooting CSS bundling issues in a bin deployed MVC4 app
  • Issues with CSS bundles in ASP.NET MVC framework 4.5 on hosting platforms

Answer №5

The problem I was experiencing was resolved by commenting out the static file handler in the web configuration file.

  <add name="BlockViewHandler" path="*" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler" />

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