What is the best way to implement a CSS transition for styles that are dynamically created by React?

I have a situation where I am using a button component that is styled based on a theme provided by a context:

The code in Button.js looks like:

() => {
  const theme = useContext(themeContext); // { primaryColor: "blue" }
  return <button className="MyButton" styles={{ backgroundColor: theme.primaryColor }}>Hello</button>

And the styling for the button is defined in Button.styles.scss as follows:

.MyButton {
  background-color: purple
  transition: background-color 0.1s
  &:hover {
    background-color: green

The issue arises when the background color of the button is set dynamically by React, causing the transition effect to not work properly. My question is whether there is a way to achieve the desired transition effect without having to rewrite all the styling in JSS (as the rest of the application's styling is done in SCSS).

Answer №1

Have you checked to see if the React theme has any transition and hover rules set? If it does, the best way to override them is by setting the styles directly inline. You could potentially modify the theme object before applying it to the styles attribute, or find a way to place your customized theme closer to its original source.

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