Integrating jQuery Tooltip with Mouseover Event

I'm currently involved in creating a map of MIT projects for an architectural firm, and facing the challenge of maintaining the red dots mouseover state even when the mouse hovers over the tooltips that appear. Presently, the mouseover effect turns off when hovering over the tooltips.

In addition, I require the tooltips to be cleared and turned off when either the dot or the link within the tooltip is clicked. On an iPad, I observed that after clicking a tooltip link leading to a project page and then returning to the map page using the back button, the last tooltip remains open unexpectedly. This issue does not seem to occur on desktops, but it is crucial for mobile devices to have the tooltip cleared upon hitting the back button.

You can find the site I'm referring to here: and the corresponding stylesheet here:

Below is the CSS code related to the circle sprite for each button - my aim is to connect these with the tooltips. Specifically, I wish for the red circle hover state to persist when the mouse moves from red circle button 11 to its respective tooltip until it moves away from the tooltip.

#button { background:transparent url(../images/red-circle.png) no-repeat scroll 0px -2px; display:block; height:23px; width:23px; } #button:hover { background-position:0 -25px; opacity: 1; }'

Furthermore, what would be the most effective method to ensure the tooltip closes when any link within it is clicked? Unusually, on mobile devices, if you tap to activate the hover state and then click a link inside it, the tooltip remains open upon hitting the back button.

Answer №1

If you want to customize the behavior of your tooltips when shown or hidden, you can utilize the events onShow and onHide for each tooltip. Let me demonstrate how this works using your code. Below are the divs for your trigger buttons:

<div id="eleven_div" class="button-eleven" style="display: block; ">
    <a href="projects/gantt/" id="button">Button 11</a>
<div id="ten_div" class="button-ten" style="display: block; ">
    <a href="projects/table/" id="button">Button 10</a>

And here is the corresponding javascript:

    position: "center right",
    effect: 'slide',
    offset: [30, -12],
    slideOffset: 30,

    position: "bottom left",
    effect: 'slide',
    offset: [-34, 20],
    slideOffset: 30,

You need to change the duplicate ids inside the a-tags to classes as having duplicate ids is incorrect HTML markup:

<div id="eleven_div" class="button-eleven" style="display: block; ">
    <a href="projects/gantt/" class="button">Button 11</a>
<div id="ten_div" class="button-ten" style="display: block; ">
    <a href="projects/table/" class="button">Button 10</a>

Incorporate a callback function for showing red dots on hover. This function will add or remove a class from the triggering a-tag. Updated code:

function hovering()

$(document).ready(function() {

        position: "center right",
        effect: 'slide',
        offset: [30, -12],
        slideOffset: 30,
        onShow: hovering,
        onHide: hovering

        position: "bottom left",
        effect: 'slide',
        offset: [-34, 20],
        slideOffset: 30,
        onShow: hovering,
        onHide: hovering

Update your CSS to apply styles to the button class instead of #button:

.button {
    background:transparent url(../images/red-circle.png) no-repeat scroll 0px -2px;
    opacity: 1;
    -webkit-transition: opacity 1s;
    -moz-transition: opacity 1s;
    -o-transition: opacity 1s;

.button:hover, .button.hovered{
    background-position:0 -25px;    
    opacity: 1;

.button:focus {
    background-position:0 -25px;

To close the tooltip when a link is clicked, add the following code after defining your tooltips:

$(".tooltip, .tooltip-brite, ... all your tooltip-classes").live("click", function() {  

$(".button-two, .button-one, ... all your button-classes").live("click", function() {   

This snippet ensures that clicking either the red dot div or the tooltip box will close the tooltip.

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