Why is there space between two divs if there are no `margin`, `padding`, or `border` properties set?

Using vue.js, I created a page called index.vue which includes the components header.vue and home.vue:

The code for index.vue:

  <div class="index">


  import Home from './首页/home.vue'
  import Header from '../components/header/header.vue'
  import Footer from '../components/footer/footer.vue'

  export default {
    methods: {


    components: {
      'i-header': Header,
      'i-footer': Footer

<style scoped>

  .index {



However, there is an unexpected space between the header component and the home component.

When examining their box model:

First Image

Second Image

You can see that both components have no margin, padding, or border. So, why is there space between them?

Answer №1

First, it's important to verify if any normalization is present in your project, as whitespace issues can be caused by inline-blocks or added by the browser to certain tags. Secondly, inspect the child elements within your header tag for any potential margins. Lastly, consider sharing a codepen with the full structure and styling from your browser for further analysis.

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