Choosing between JavaScript and Handlebars.js depends on the specific needs

Can anyone explain the advantages of utilizing Handlebars.js or similar libraries over solely relying on JavaScript? Thus far, I haven't come across any functionality in Handlebars that cannot be achieved with just pure JavaScript.

Answer №1

Using JavaScript libraries can simplify and speed up tasks in JavaScript. Although it is possible to achieve the same results without a library, why go through the extra steps? For example, selecting an element by id in pure JavaScript requires:


However, with JQuery (a JavaScript library), you can simply use:


It's much more efficient and convenient than writing the same functionality in pure JavaScript. This is why many developers choose to utilize libraries - they provide shortcuts to achieving desired functionality.

Edit: Some drawbacks to consider

While JavaScript libraries generally make development easier, they do have some downsides. These include large file sizes for downloading, slower execution in JavaScript engines, and ultimately less efficient code. To explore this further, check out these resources:

  • Advantages of using pure JavaScript over JQuery
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of different JavaScript libraries?
  • The Pros And Cons Of JavaScript Micro-Frameworks

Credits to Lix for bringing this to light.

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