Why is scroll-snap-type not functioning properly?

I have attempted to incorporate snap-scroll on my page, but it doesn't seem to be working. Can someone please point out where I may have gone wrong in my CSS code? Thank you

    overflow-y: scroll;
    scroll-snap-type: y proximity;

    padding: 7em;
    height: calc(100vh - 14em);
    scroll-snap-align: start;
        <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit.</h3>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi inventore laudantium error consectetur fugiat et, beatae tenetur eaque accusantium.</p>
        <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit.</h3>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi inventore laudantium error consectetur fugiat et, beatae tenetur eaque accusantium.</p>
        <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit.</h3>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere animi inventore laudantium error consectetur fugiat et, beatae tenetur eaque accusantium.</p>

Answer №1

Give this a try and customize it to suit your needs.... It will provide complete functionality

<div class="holster">
<div class="container x mandatory-scroll-snapping" dir="ltr">
  <div>X Mand. LTR</div>

<div class="container x proximity-scroll-snapping" dir="ltr">
  <div>X Prox. LTR</div>

<div class="container y mandatory-scroll-snapping" dir="ltr">
  <div>Y Mand. LTR</div>

<div class="container y proximity-scroll-snapping" dir="ltr">
  <div>Y Prox. LTR</div>

<div class="container x mandatory-scroll-snapping" dir="rtl">
  <div>X Mand. RTL</div>

<div class="container x proximity-scroll-snapping" dir="rtl">
  <div>X Prox. RTL</div>

<div class="container y mandatory-scroll-snapping" dir="rtl">
  <div>Y Mand. RTL</div>

<div class="container y proximity-scroll-snapping" dir="rtl">
  <div>Y Prox. RTL</div>


/* setup */
html, body, .holster {
  height: 100%;
.holster {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: space-between;
  flex-flow: column nowrap;
  font-family: monospace;

.container {
  display: flex;
  overflow: auto;
  outline: 1px dashed lightgray;
  flex: none;

.container.x {
  width: 100%;
  height: 128px;
  flex-flow: row nowrap;

.container.y {
  width: 256px;
  height: 256px;
  flex-flow: column nowrap;
/* scroll-snap */
.x.mandatory-scroll-snapping {
  scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;

.y.mandatory-scroll-snapping {
  scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;

.x.proximity-scroll-snapping {
  scroll-snap-type: x proximity;

.y.proximity-scroll-snapping {
  scroll-snap-type: y proximity;

.container > div {
  text-align: center;
  scroll-snap-align: center;
  flex: none;

.x.container > div {
  line-height: 128px;
  font-size: 64px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 128px;

.y.container > div {
  line-height: 256px;
  font-size: 128px;
  width: 256px;
  height: 100%;
/* appearance fixes */
.y.container > div:first-child {
  line-height: 1.3;
  font-size: 64px;
/* coloration */
.container > div:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: #87EA87;

.container > div:nth-child(odd) {
  background-color: #87CCEA;

Answer №2

After reviewing your sample and consulting various online resources, it appears that you may be overlooking the need for a min-height property on the container - specifically on the <body> tag.

To demonstrate this concept in action, I have put together a straightforward CodePen. This example utilizes a similar structure to yours but includes slight modifications to the HTML elements.

If you're interested in diving deeper into scroll-snapping functionality, I recommend checking out the informative CSS Tricks article available here.

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