Unable to decrease the width of a div element in Vuetify and Nuxt

As I work on creating a dynamic form with fields that need to occupy only 50% of the size of a regular field, I encounter different components based on data provided by Vuex.

The use of v-for in Vue.js helps me loop through form objects and render the appropriate component on screen - whether it's a TextField, DateField, CheckField, or any other defined type.

Let's dive into the code:

In store/module/forms.js (Vuex), you'll find an array of form objects, each specifying details like name, type, value, and options. The 'css' property within 'options' controls the width of the field, set at 50% here.

    name: 'familiarIncome',
    type: 'TextField',
    value: '',
    options: {
      dataname: 'familiarIncome',
      mandatory: true,
      label: 'Renda familiar',
      placeholder: '',
      rules: fieldRules.float('a renda familiar'),
      css: 'width: 50%', // This style will be applied to the component

Next, in pages/formulario.js: (only three input components have been written so far)

  <v-app class="container d-flex justify-center">
    <h1>Coleta de dados</h1>
    <v-form class="container fluid">
      <h2>Dados pessoais</h2>
      <div class="personal-data d-flex flex-wrap">
          v-for="field in getForm.personalData"
          <!-- This 'field' class is significant -->
            @change="updateData((section = 'personalData'), $event)"

      <div class="social-benefits"></div>
      <div class="is-disabled"></div>
      <div class="address"></div>
      <div class="child-already-born"></div>

import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import TextField from '../components/inputs/textfield.vue'
import ConfirmButton from '../components/inputs/confirmbutton.vue'
import SelectField from '../components/inputs/selectfield.vue'

export default {
  name: 'Formulario',
  components: { TextField, ConfirmButton, SelectField },
  data() {
    return {
      formToken: this.$route.params.token,
  computed: {
  methods: {
    updateData(section, eventData) {
      const data = {
      this.$store.commit('setFormField', data)

<style scoped>
.field {
  padding: 7px;
  width: 50%;

h1 {
  font-size: 36px;

h2 {
  font-size: 24px;

Here's a snapshot of the webpage:

If there are any crucial details I've missed, feel free to point them out ;)

(Just clarifying, I did extensive research before reaching out for assistance.)

Answer №1

After a few minutes of experimenting and intentionally trying things that seemed incorrect (a surprisingly effective technique), I was able to solve the problem.

I ended up removing the enclosing div around the <component> tag, allowing the 50% width to work as intended.

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