Why are you leaving a trail of timestamps in your .css files?

Within certain source codes, I have observed the following:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css?201007071609" type="text/css" />

This prompts my question: What is the purpose behind appending 201007071609 to style.css in the code snippet above?

Answer №1

To ensure the browser does not retrieve cached CSS and instead fetches the latest version from the server.

Check out this related article

Another technique used by developers is to include a random string or timestamp to trigger a refresh of the CSS page.

Answer №2

Ensuring clients do not cache outdated versions of files can be achieved by providing unique URLs. When the URL changes, the client will fetch the file from the server rather than relying on cached versions. This practice comes in handy when updating a website to guarantee visitors see the updated CSS styles.

Answer №3

By adding this attribute, the browser is directed to fetch a new version of the file instead of using a cached one. This step becomes crucial when updates are made to the HTML structure, ensuring that the latest CSS styling is applied correctly.

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