Whenever I create a new JavaScript application, the CSS files do not seem to reflect the most recent changes

My Next.js App is running smoothly on my client when I do npm run build and test it with node server js. However, the issue arises when I move the app to a production server. After executing npm run build on the server, everything seems to work fine except for the fact that the css files are not picking up the latest changes (they still have the old code).

Can someone provide assistance in resolving this issue?

Thank you in advance.

Check out the package json code here

Access the source code of my app here

Answer №1

After troubleshooting, I have successfully resolved the issue at hand. The problem did not lie with the CSS files themselves but rather with a particular CSS class that contained incorrect rules (rules that were not authored by me).

-webkit-flex: 0 1 40%;
-ms-flex: -1 1 40%;
flex: -1 1 40%;

While these rules worked perfectly on my client's Chrome browser, they were stripped of their prefixes when building the application. This resulted in Chrome incorrectly applying the flex rule without the prefix (-webkit-flex: 0 1 40%) and instead using the generic flex rule (-1 1 40%).

To rectify this issue, I removed the prefixes and corrected the flex rule as follows:

flex: 0 1 40%;

Answer №2

This problem arises from an incorrect file import!

If you have imported the css file like this

import styles from '../styles/component.module.css'

It would be better to update it to

import styles from '../styles/Component.module.css'

Ensure that you follow a proper class naming convention for Component.module.css file

By making this change, the Component.module.css file will be compiled every time there is a change in the code.

Answer №3

If you encounter this particular message

Alert: Additional attributes detected from the server: data-theme,style Include these attributes in the html tag


while doing so

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