Utilizing the package https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-css-donut-chart#usage-with-all-the-available-props to create a "border" effect around images based on progress has presented a challenge. Specifically, achieving a gradient color for the border when it reaches 100% is not supported by the props provided. In an attempt to address this issue, the following workaround was implemented:
if(this.sections[0].value === 50) {
this.sections[0].color = "transparent";
this.sections[1].color = "transparent";
let grad = document.querySelector(".cdc");
The component is used in multiple locations within the application, but the gradient color only takes effect at one specific place:
<sidebar/> <-----
<router-view />
import Donut from "vue-css-donut-chart";
import "vue-css-donut-chart/dist/vcdonut.css";
Donut component
<b-img v-if="profilePic" class="object-fit-contain rounded-circle p-1 m-0" :width="width" :src="profilePic"/>
import backend from "@/services/backend.js";
export default {
props: ["profilePic", "size", "width", "thickness"],
data() {
return {
me: null,
angle: null,
sections: [
{ value: 0, color: "#4ECB62" },
{ value: 0, color: "#223C9B" },
mounted() {
methods: {
async fetch_me() {
this.me = (await backend.me()).data;
if(this.me.roles.indexOf('investor') != -1 && this.me.roles.indexOf('homeowner') != -1) {
// Set values for homeowner depending on amount of listed properties
/* if(this.me.homes.length == 100) {
this.sections[1].value = 50
} else if (this.me.homes.length >= 25) {
this.sections[1].value = 40
} else if (this.me.homes.length >= 5) {
this.sections[1].value = 35
} else {
this.sections[1].value = 25
this.sections[1].value = 50;
this.sections[0].value = 50;
if(this.sections[0].value === 50) {
this.sections[0].color = "transparent";
this.sections[1].color = "transparent";
let grad = document.querySelector(".cdc");
// Set the correct angle depending on the value (Investor & Homeowner)
if(this.sections[0].value == 40 || this.sections[1].value == 40) {
return this.angle = 35;
} else if (this.sections[0].value == 50 || this.sections[1].value == 50) {
return this.angle = 0;
} else if (this.sections[0].value == 35 || this.sections[1].value == 35) {
return this.angle = 90;
} else if (this.sections[0].value == 25 || this.sections[1].value == 25) {
return this.angle = 25;
} else if(this.me.roles.indexOf('homeowner') != -1) {
if(this.me.homes.length == 100) {
this.sections[1].value = 100;
} else if (this.me.homes.length >= 25) {
this.sections[1].value = 85;
} else if (this.me.homes.length >= 5) {
this.sections[1].value = 65;
} else {
this.sections[1].value = 50;
// Set the correct angle depending on the value (Homeowner)
if(this.sections[1].value == 50) {
return this.angle = 90;
} else if(this.sections[1].value == 65) {
return this.angle = 62;
} else if(this.sections[1].value == 85) {
return this.angle = 27;
} else {
return 0;
} else if(this.me.roles.indexOf('investor') != -1) {
this.sections[0].value = 50;
if(this.sections[0].value == 50) {
this.sections[0].value = 50;
// Set the correct angle depending on the value (Investor)
if(this.sections[0].value == 50) {
return this.angle = 90;
The console.log(grad) shows that the class is added to the element, but the CSS isn't applied.
Example of use of the Donut(ProfileImageRings) component
<profile-image-rings v-if="user.picture" :width="160" :size="170" :thickness="7" :profilePic="user.picture"/>
.border-gradient {
background: linear-gradient(90deg, #223C9B 0%, #4ECB62 100%) !important;