Here is the code snippet I have: JsFidle
However, when I zoom in and out, the div elements seem to shift by 1 or 2 pixels on the screen. I was expecting them to remain fixed in their positions.
For instance, the left div (.hora) displaying 12:07 extends beyond the orange border, and the center div with letters also seems to move vertically...
<div class="interiorPantalla">
<div class="interiorSuperior">
<div class="hora line-left">
<div class="proxSortidaCCA">
<span class="superiorPantallaCatala">Pròximes sortides</span><br>
<span class="superiorPantallaCastella">Próximas salidas</span>
<span class="superiorPantallaAngles notbold">Next departures</span>
<div class="logoPantalla1" >
<img src="images/123.png" class="logoPantalla" >
I'm wondering what mistake I might be making?