When you zoom in and out, the Div elements are shifting positions

Here is the code snippet I have: JsFidle

However, when I zoom in and out, the div elements seem to shift by 1 or 2 pixels on the screen. I was expecting them to remain fixed in their positions.

For instance, the left div (.hora) displaying 12:07 extends beyond the orange border, and the center div with letters also seems to move vertically...

<div class="interiorPantalla">
  <div class="interiorSuperior">   
    <div class="hora line-left">
    <div class="proxSortidaCCA">
      <span class="superiorPantallaCatala">Pròximes sortides</span><br>
      <span class="superiorPantallaCastella">Próximas salidas</span>
      <span class="superiorPantallaAngles notbold">Next departures</span>
    <div class="logoPantalla1" >
      <img src="images/123.png" class="logoPantalla" >

I'm wondering what mistake I might be making?

Answer №1

After conducting various experiments, it became evident to me that the span nested within the .time class is expanding beyond its boundaries because of its large font size and inline display.

By changing it to a block element using display:block, the span fits back inside its container, eliminating the need for any positioning modifications.

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