When you click on links and buttons, a focus outline appears

I am currently troubleshooting an issue within an existing application that relies on the use of jQuery. The problem arises when I click on any link or button on the page, causing the element to display a focus outline (such as a blue glow in browsers like Chrome and Safari), indicating that it has gained focus. I need to remove this outline after the click event. This behavior does not seem to be default, as I have not encountered it on other websites or even on a basic HTML page with only one link.

I am unable to simply use outline:none as a solution, since the focus outline must still be visible when using the tab key to navigate. I have attempted to use document.activeElement.blur() and $(element).blur() without success, likely due to some event handlers utilizing event.stopPropagation() where I can't easily modify the code for each one.

If anyone has insights or suggestions on how to address this issue, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. What might be causing links to maintain focus after being clicked? It does not appear to be a deliberate action within the code, given that it occurs on every link, button, and even some li elements. Thank you for your support in resolving this matter.

Answer №1

It appears that Chrome and Safari have the same default behavior.

You can test this by going to and clicking on the Email address and password field. The same issue may occur. I could be mistaken, but this seems to be the case.

Answer №2

To remove the outline, simply include outline:none;

To apply focus or blur to an element, use the class .outlineborder

  outline:inherit !important;

$('.button').on('blur').... $(this).addClass('outline');

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