When viewed on a mobile device, the entire HTML document is resized to occupy less than half of the

Whenever I adjust the size of my webpage on different devices or mobile phones, I notice that the <div> tag appears to be only half (or even less) the width of the page. This gap seems to increase as the window size decreases. Refer to the screenshots provided below:

For context, I am using Symfony and have included the following code snippet in my HTML:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Interestingly, this issue only affects the pages within one of my layouts while the rest of the website functions normally. It is worth noting that these affected pages share similar headers with other layouts, including styles and meta tags...

Answer №1

After some investigation, I discovered that the issue was partially caused by a Facebook like button that I had placed on the page. Surprisingly, even though it did not exceed any of the divs, removing it revealed another problem. One of my col-xs-12 elements contained a URL address that acted as a single block, causing it to exceed its designated area and create a gap on the side.

To tackle this issue, I decided to systematically delete code from element to element until finally pinpointing the root cause. By deleting the unnecessary Facebook like button and shortening the URL address using the Twig truncate function, I successfully resolved the problem at hand.

I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who offered their assistance during this troubleshooting process. Your efforts were truly valued!

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