Enhancing the Appearance of HTML Select Dropdowns in JavaFX 2.2 WebEngine

I am currently working on a project that is unable to be updated to Java 1.8 to support the latest JavaFX version. While this may or may not impact the issue I am facing, I have been exploring various solutions from the internet to customize the look and feel of a dropdown selection within a web browser. Despite my efforts in trying Javascript, CSS, and alternative methods involving lists and styling, I have not been successful in achieving the desired outcome with WebView/WebEngine on JavaFX 2.2. Interestingly, most of the approaches I have attempted work seamlessly on Firefox, although I understand the differences due to Firefox not utilizing WebKit.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to style the dropdown component of the select feature using JavaFX 2.2 WebView?

Here is a list of techniques that I have experimented with:

Answer №1

I came across a tool that significantly enhances my interface and actually works well. While browsing through UX Stack Exchange, I stumbled upon Chosen. Check out the original post on UX Stack Exchange for more details.

Answer №2

I developed a JavaFX app with a webview featuring AngularJS and Bootstrap.
Here is how the select element appears in Chrome:


However, when running the Ubuntu jar file, the select element looks different:


I have attempted various solutions, but it seems that this dropdown menu is rendered by the browser itself, resulting in varying appearances on Linux, MacOS, and Windows without any way to customize its style. My workaround has been using a simple JS library called tom-select, which has no dependencies. This solution has successfully standardized the appearance of the select element in both Chrome and the jar file.


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