When using handheld devices, hover effects will not be displayed

In my current project, I'm looking to eliminate hover effects specifically on touch screen devices. My approach involves utilizing

@media handheld { /* non-hover styles here */ }
by copying and pasting all CSS properties in my file that include :hover, then removing those hover effects.

For example:

/* desktop */

a.my_element {
color : #ff0000;
a.my_element:hover {
color : #000000;

/* handheld devices */

@media handheld {
a.my_element:hover {

Do you think my reasoning is sound? Will this method effectively achieve the desired outcome?

Answer №1

Give this a try:


<a href="#" class="my_element"> example </a>


a.my_element {
color : #ff0000;
a.my_element:hover {
color : #000000;

/* for mobile devices */

@media (max-width: 480px){
    a.my_element:hover {
        color: #ff0000;           

This code will utilize the media query at 460px to style the hover effect to match the non-hovered state, achieving the desired result.

View DEMO on JSFiddle

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