Troubleshooting problem with Bootstrap 4 carousel for displaying multiple items

Recently, I've been experimenting with Bootstrap 4 carousels and came across a helpful code tutorial that caught my interest. You can check it out at this link. My goal was to prevent the carousel from continuously cycling through the same slides and instead stop once all slides have been shown. After consulting the Bootstrap 4 carousel documentation, I learned that setting data-wrap to false should achieve this.

Here's the change I made:

<div id="recipeCarousel" class="carousel slide w-100" data-wrap="false" data-ride="carousel">

However, after setting data-wrap to false, the previous slide navigation button works as expected, but clicking on the next button still causes the carousel to continue rotating even after displaying the last item. I'm unsure of why this is happening and would appreciate any suggestions or insights!

Answer №1

Identified the root cause of the issue to be the presence of 6 carousel items, each containing all the images. While the carousel does not wrap around, it cycles through all the items until reaching image 6.

The solution implemented may not be perfect, but it is effective. It involves making the previous and next buttons invisible when the last image in the carousel item is visible on the slide. However, this approach relies on a static set number of slides. Dynamically determining the number of visible slides proved challenging. Open to any suggestions or better solutions!

Check out the solution here:

$('#recipeCarousel').on('', checkSlideWrap);  //executed when user interacts with slides
$('#recipeCarousel').ready(checkSlideWrap);   //executed when page loads to hide prev button initially
function checkSlideWrap()
  var divLength = $('div.carousel-item').length;
  var slides;
  if ($(window).width() >= 992 )
      slides = 3;
  else if ($(window).width() >= 768 )
      slides = 3;
      slides = 1;   

  /*  Hide left and right controls when showing first/last slides */
  var $this = $('#recipeCarousel');
  if ($('.carousel-inner .carousel-item:first').hasClass('active')) {
      // Hide left arrow
      // Display right arrow
  } else if ($('.carousel-inner .carousel-item:gt(' + (slides - 1 - divLength) + ')').hasClass('active')) {
      // Hide right arrow
      // Display left arrow
  } else {

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