When the webpage is launched, the font styles specified in the CSS do not take effect and

As a beginning coder, I have encountered a small issue. In my HTML document, I attempted to set the font types of my paragraphs and headings to Arial using CSS. The code snippet is as follows:

arial san-serif;

However, when I run the code, the font does not change.

I am curious as to why this might be happening. Could it be that I do not have the Arial font installed on my computer? If so, how can I address this issue? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. It may be helpful to know that I am using Notepad++ for coding.

Answer №1


Don't forget to add the colon ":" after font-family

      text-style: arial, san-serif;

Answer №2

Make sure to include a colon : and a comma ,.

    font-family: arial, san-serif; 

Remember to enclose fonts with spaces in quotes.

h4 {
    font-family: "Times New Roman", Georgia, Serif;

For further information, check out W3 Schools.

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