Best Practices for Prioritizing CSS Selection

My usual practice is to organize the rules in my CSS file to align with their corresponding elements in the HTML code. However, when it comes to global rules such as styling for input,textarea,p,tr,th, and so on, I wonder if there is a specific convention regarding the order in which they should appear?

Of course, there are times when the sequence of rules is crucial for them to function properly.

Answer №1

One method I use is to group all CSS properties that affect multiple elements globally in a separate stylesheet. For example, grouping tr, td, input, table, together and custom .classes and #divs separately.

This approach helps streamline the code organization and maintainability.

Answer №2

One way to organize CSS rules is by placing global styles in a file named global-style.css. These rules will automatically apply to all pages of the website. For more specific styling, create a separate file like login-style.css. In this file, you have the ability to override any default styles set by the global CSS.

To implement these specific styles, only link the second file to the HTML files where the unique look and feel are needed, leaving other pages unaffected by its changes.

Answer №3

My current approach is to utilize a single line for each rule notation, enhancing organization and readability. This method reduces the need for excessive scrolling and simplifies the process of sorting through rules.

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