The white-spaces in Quill JS do not retain their original formatting

I recently integrated Quill JS editor into my website. During testing, I noticed that any text inputted after a white space gets emitted when alerting the content.

Below is the HTML code snippet:

<div id="postCommentEditor" class="postCommentEditor ql-align-right ql-direction-rtl"></div>

For the JavaScript part:

const quillEditor = new Quill('#postCommentEditor', {
    modules: {
        toolbar: true,
    theme: 'snow',

quillEditor.format('direction', 'rtl');
quillEditor.format('align', 'right');

And here's the CSS style for the post editor:

.postCommentEditor {
    height: 100px;
    margin-bottom: 5px;

When attempting to alert the input in the editor:

let $contentOBJ = $(quillEditor.root).children()[0].innerHTML;



Results in only aaaa being displayed in the alert message.

Answer №1

The issue arises from the fact that Quill renders HTML, and in this particular situation, it appears like this:


Therefore, when you try to access the content using the following code:

let $contentOBJ = $(quillEditor.root).children()[0].innerHTML;

You will only retrieve the content of the first child element, which is aaaa

To retrieve all text content, you can use either

let $contentOBJ = $(quillEditor.root).innerHTML;
or quillEditor.getText()

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