When the target event occurs on a div element, update the style of a different

Currently, I am working on creating a responsive mobile-first navigation system and exploring progressive enhancement techniques.

The objective is to target the #header element by clicking a menu icon, which will then adjust the height of the #menu to 100%, effectively displaying it when the icon is clicked.

My initial attempt was as follows:

#header:target #menu {

Unfortunately, this approach did not yield the desired results. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to modify the height of the #menu when the #header is targeted?

View demo on jsFiddle

Edit: As I am focusing on progressively enhancing this navigation without relying on jQuery or JavaScript, I am seeking a solution that works across all devices before considering additional UX improvements. Therefore, the implementation must be done without the use of jQuery or JavaScript.

<body id="home">

    <div class="wrapper">

        <header id="header">

            <h1 class="logo"><a href="">Nav</a></h1>
            <a href="#header"> <div id="nav_btn"> </div> </a>


        <nav id="primary_nav">

            <ul id="menu">
                <li><a href="">Portfolio</a></li>           
                <li><a href="">About Me</a></li>            
                <li><a href="">Nonsense</a></li>            
                <li><a href="">Services</a></li>            
                <li><a href="">Contact</a></li>                     

        </nav><!--end primary_nav-->

    </div><!--end wrapper-->


Answer №1

#menu is not a subordinate of the #header so you cannot just utilize a subordinate selector.

It is the offspring of the succeeding element after the #header

header#header:target + nav#primary_nav > ul#menu { }

Answer №2

modify the href attribute of the button to #home

thus transforming

<a href="#header"> <div id="nav_btn"> </div> </a>


<a href="#home"> <div id="nav_btn"> </div> </a>

and apply this css code

#home:target #menu {

see example

Answer №3

A solution is possible, but not in the manner you are attempting.

Consider this example:


The selector will function as follows:

#div2{height:100px;width:100px;background:red}//original color is red
#link1:hover ~ #div2{background:green} on link hover div color become green 

I am confident that this approach will also work for adjusting height :)

Answer №4

Your #menu needs to be a direct child of #header, so make the following adjustments:


<div id="header">
  <div id="menu"></div>


#menu:target {
  height: 100%;

see example in action

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