Utilizing Gulp variables to create dynamic destination file names?

As a newcomer to gulp, I am curious about the feasibility of achieving my desired outcome.

Here is the structure of my projects:

|   |
|   component_1
|   |   styles.scss
|   |   actions.js
|   |   template.html
|   |   ...
|   component_2
|   |   styles.scss
|   |   template.html
|   |   ...
         css (destination)
         |    component_1.css
         |    component_2.css
         |    ...
         js (destination)

My goal is for Gulp to save the compiled css files in the corresponding css folder within public/assets, but to use the name of the folder where it found the scss file. Is this achievable? Would I need to utilize a plugin for this task? Thank you! P.S. I understand renaming the scss file could achieve the same result, but I prefer to avoid that route.

Answer №1

Creating dynamic tasks with Gulp is a straightforward process, especially if you require flexibility. Since Gulp is written in pure JavaScript, it allows you to easily craft your own functions. Utilizing the gulp-rename plugin, you can modify parts or the entire file name before storing it.

To kickstart the process, consider the following outline:

var rename = require('gulp-rename'),
    path = require('path'),
    glob = require('glob'); // npm i --save-dev glob    

var components = glob.sync('components/*').map(function(componentDir) {
        return path.basename(componentDir);

components.forEach(function(name) {
    gulp.task(name+'-style', function() {
        return gulp.src('components/'+name+'/styles.scss')
            .pipe(sass()) // etc
            .pipe(rename(name + '.css'))

    gulp.task(name+'-js', function() {
        // implement similar logic for JS files

    gulp.task(name+'-build', [name+'-style', name+'-js']);

// task to build all components
gulp.task('build-components', components.map(function(name){ return name+'-build'; }));

As a result, individual tasks like component_1-build, component_1-style, component_1-js, and so forth will be generated for each component.

In addition, a master task will enable the construction of all components simultaneously.

Answer №2

While this question may be old, I recently found myself delving into this topic and stumbled upon it. If you're looking to add some dynamism to the destination path, here's a helpful tip.

By passing a function as an argument to gulp.dest, you can perform some preprocessing on the destination path like so:

.pipe(gulp.dest(function (file) {
    // file represents the current file in the stream
    // implement your logic here               
    return newPathString;

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