How can one determine the dimensions of the browser window using a property?

Can someone please clarify how to find the width and height of the browser window specifically? Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

let windowWidth = window.innerWidth;

let windowHeight = window.innerHeight;

Retrieves the dimensions of the window: (Excludes toolbars/scrollbars):

The innerWidth attribute provides the inner width of the window's content area.

The innerHeight attribute offers the inner height of the window's content area.

These attributes are solely for reading purposes.

Important: For dimension values that include toolbars/scrollbars, utilize the outerWidth and outerHeight attributes.

Answer №2

To determine the size of the window, you should utilize window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight

#Additional point #1: If needed, you may also employ outerWidth and outerHeight, but be mindful that this includes the window's toolbars.

Extra note #2: The provided code will display the width and height of the window in which it is running, not the actual window dimensions. However, it would function as expected on an authentic website.

alert("Window Height: "+window.innerHeight);
alert("Window Width: "+window.innerWidth);

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