When starting to build a website, should the Master Page be the first element to code, or perhaps the header and menu?

I have been tasked with building a website using ASP.net and I already have the design in mind. This will be a standard website project for me, but it's also my first time working on something like this. I'm feeling a bit lost on where to begin. Should I start by designing the menu first, or should I work on setting up the master page and header/footer sections? Any guidance on the sequential steps to take would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Design a prototype using HTML without the use of master pages, routing, views, controllers, or inheritance.

Create prototypes for both the most complex and simplest pages to help organize your layout effectively. Focus solely on building your presentation layer rather than diving into the architecture of the application, assuming that foundation is already in place.

Start by crafting a basic master page with a simple wrapper structure. Then utilize inheritance to add header, main content, and footer elements as needed, customizing further with additional inheritance layers if required.

When it comes to creating views, controllers, etc., consider structuring them as follows:

  1. View model
  2. View
  3. Controller
  4. Routing

This approach serves as a rudimentary guideline and may not apply universally, but it should provide some valuable insights for your design process.

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