When resizing the browser window, this single horizontal page website does not re-center

I am in the process of creating my very first one-page horizontal website using jQuery and the scrollTo plugin. This site consists of 3 screens and initially starts in the center (displaying the middle screen). To achieve this, I decided to set the width of the <body> element to 300%, with each screen having a width of 33.3333%. When a user clicks on a link (<a>), jQuery smoothly transitions them to another screen by moving left or right.

While this functionality works perfectly, I encounter issues when resizing the window as the layout loses its structure and the widths no longer align properly. I am seeking guidance on how to rectify this issue and more importantly, understanding why it occurs in the first place.

You can view the source code here: Mr. Fiddle. Feel free to resize your window to see the problem for yourself. Thank you!

Answer №1

After considering your feedback in one of the comments on Luke's answer, I revisited this issue about needing to keep track of your previous location.

In order to ensure you can return to where you were after resizing, you can implement a similar code structure like this:

var lastPosition = "middle";
var $body = $('html, body');

window.scrollTo(($(document).width() - $(window).width()) / 2, 0);

$('#go_left').click(function() {
    $body.scrollTo('0px', 800);
    lastPosition = "left";
$('#go_right').click(function() {
    $body.scrollTo('100%', 800);
    lastPosition = "right";
$('#left_link').click(function() {
    $body.scrollTo('50%', 800);
    lastPosition = "middle";
$('#right_link').click(function() {
    $('html, body').scrollTo('50%', 800);
    lastPosition = "middle";

$(window).off('resize.menu').on('resize.menu', function() {    
        case "left":
            $body.scrollTo('0px', 0);
        case "middle":
            $body.scrollTo('50%', 0);
        case "right":
            $body.scrollTo('100%', 0);

Check out the DEMO for a visual representation.

I've optimized by caching the body element to improve performance slightly.

Remember to unbind the event when leaving the page to prevent memory leaks.

While there is still some lag in re-positioning, I'm working on resolving that next.

I found a way to reduce lag and flickering during resize events.

Using scrollLeft() instead in the resize method yields better results, although not perfect it is a significant improvement:

$(window).off('resize.menu').on('resize.menu', function() {   
    var elementToScrollTo = "div#main";

        case "left":
            elementToScrollTo = "div#left";
        case "middle":
            elementToScrollTo = "div#main";
       case "right":
            elementToScrollTo = "div#right";


View the updated DEMO with improved functionality.

Answer №2

When utilizing the scrollTo plugin, consider using a DOM element (specifically, a child of the scrollable element) as the target for scrolling.

$('html, body').scrollTo($('div#right'), 800);

Answer №3

$(window).resize(function() {
    $('html, body').scrollTo('50%', 0);

This solution could potentially be more efficient than the previous one mentioned by Francois, as it eliminates the need to constantly recalculate widths. Instead, this code will be triggered each time the window size changes by even just a single pixel.

Answer №4

Include the following script to center a webpage horizontally when resizing the window:


$(window).resize( function () {
    window.scrollTo(($(document).width() - $(window).width()) / 2, 0);

Answer №5

When utilizing the scrollTo function, inputting a percentage value actually results in an absolute pixel value being set. Adjusting the window size will not alter this absolute pixel value unless you include an event handler for the "resize" event to recalibrate the scroll value. It may be more effective to work with absolute pixel values when dealing with such scenarios. Set the width of each .page div in pixels and enclose them in a div with a significantly large width to ensure compatibility with future pages. Instead of scrolling, adjust the left offset of the wrapper element. The original coda slider utilized this approach, and it is likely that the current version continues to do so.

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