Modify the CSS class by adding attributes dynamically instead of directly to the element

I encountered a situation where I needed to apply a css property to a class rather than an element.

For example:


This code would add the style "display:none" to all elements with the class "class_with_css". However, I wanted to apply the "class_with_css" class to a new element after this and keep the added style. Is there a way to achieve this without calling the above function again?

For instance:

  1. Initial setup with two elements
    <div id=1 class="abc" ></div>
    <div id=2 class="abc" ></div>
  1. Run the code
  1. The elements become:
    <div id=1 class="abc" style="display: none;"  ></div>
    <div id=2 class="abc" style="display: none;" ></div>
  1. Add the "abc" class to a new element like this
    <div id=3 class="abc" ></div>

Is there a way to make the "abc" class hold the style instead of individual elements so that even the element in step 4 also has display:none?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to achieve your desired result. Typically, this is done by already having a CSS class with the desired changes and properties, then applying that class instead of individual CSS properties.

For example, you would have:

.hide {
    display: none;

and then add the class to elements like so:


Alternatively, if you absolutely need to dynamically add a CSS class, you can refer to the solution provided here.

Answer №2

You have the ability to inject style into your header.

HOWEVER, KEEP IN MIND that once you do so, you will need to use display: block; to display it. Otherwise, by default, the style will be set to display: none; until you refresh the page.

The Inject() function injects style into your header.

The Add() function adds the "abc" class to other div elements.

The Showme() function sets "display: block" for elements with the ".abc" class.

The Hideme() function sets "display: none" for elements with the ".abc" class.

function Inject(){
  $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.abc {display: none;}</style>');
function Add() {
function Showme() {
function Hideme() {
button {
border: 0;
padding: 1% 3%;
background-color: lightgray;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="x" class="abc">x</div>
<div id="y" class="abc">y</div>
<div id="w">w</div>
<div id="z">z</div>
<p>First Click below and see how w and z are not hiding</p>
<button onclick="Inject()">Click to inject style to head</button>
<p>Second click below and add "abc" class to w and z.</p>
<button onclick="Add()">Click to add abc to w and z</button>
<p>Then click below to add style="display:block;"</p>
<button onclick="Showme()">Click to show anything with class "abc"</button>
<p>Then click below to add style="display:none;"</p>
<button onclick="Hideme()">Click to hide anything with class "abc"</button>

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