When I try to call jQuery's getScript function, the callback does not execute as expected within

When I invoke the script in a function at runtime

function CheckOutMyFace() {
    $.getScript("/scripts/jtimers.js", function (data) {

I notice in Firebug that the script is being called every time the function is invoked, but for some reason the jtimer doesn't seem to be functioning correctly. Upon inspecting it in Chrome Dev Tools, I encountered an error message saying: "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'everyTime'". It seems that 'everyTime' is a function within the jtimer plugin.

Is there anyone who can help me figure out how to fix this issue?

Answer №1

When implementing the js file, it is important to note that functions of the script can only be accessed within the callback.

Could you provide an example of how you are utilizing the everyTime function in your code?

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