The width of the Div is set to 100%, yet there is still some empty space visible on

I am having trouble setting the background of my code to display a picture that is 300px in height and 100% in width. However, when I set the width to 100%, there are about 15px gaps on each side. I could adjust the width to 1000px, but that presents issues as it may not look good on different monitor sizes. I've previously asked a similar question, but the solution provided doesn't work for this specific issue.



<div id='header'>
  <img src='' id='headerbg'>


#headerbg {
  -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
  -moz-filter: blur(2px);
  -o-filter: blur(2px);
  -ms-filter: blur(2px);
  filter: blur(2px);

Answer №1

To eliminate any gaps, simply include the following CSS code

CSS Code

    padding: 0;



Answer №2

Make sure to review the following code snippet at: No additional gaps are present.

Could the additional gap be caused by the default padding on the container?

Answer №3

Typically, the issue lies in the padding setting:

body, html {
     margin: 0; padding: 0;

This problem usually arises because CSS for padding from a more specific selector takes precedence.

menu li {
     padding: 10px;

In this case, the padding specified above will have higher priority. To address this, you can either separate the code into its specific lines or use the "!important" declaration as shown below:

body, html {
     margin: 0!; padding: 0!;

This updated declaration will take precedence over the following one:

 menu li {
     padding: 10px;

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